Dogs are well-known for being loyal and lovable animals since they always miss us when we go out – even if it isn’t for that long. Take this pup as a great example.
Meet Cotton, an adorable dog with snowy white fur, who missed his dad when he went away for a two-day drill with the Oregon National Guard. When his dad arrived home, the pup celebrated to the extent that he couldn’t contain his joy!
What you should know is that Cotton isn’t just any typical dog – he’s actually a deaf rescue dog. When he was rescued and adopted as a surprise for his soldier dad, it didn’t take long before he got certified to be his service dog.
As Cotton’s humans share, he is one heck of a companion because they know he would do anything for his soldier dad. As proof, here is a sweet moment caught on camera, showing that he has lots of love and loyalty for his dad!
As seen in this video, he is waiting eagerly by the door for his best buddy to return. Somehow, he knows that he will be back soon. It has only been two days of being separated from his dad but for Cotton, it feels like it has been forever!
At last, much to Cotton’s relief, the soldier is back. When the door opens, he goes straight to his dad and eagerly greets him in his own doggy way. He jumps in delight as his tail wags constantly.
It’s evident that he just doesn’t know what to do with himself! He’s ecstatic to have his soldier back that he doesn’t know what to do about it. He tries to sit still and stay calm but he also seems to want to shove his face into his dad to give a hug.
This reunion is so heartwarming and it’s clear that Cotton loves his dad more than he’ll ever know. What a sweet pair.
Check out the pair’s sweet moment in the video below!
Source: Shanti Kriens via Youtube